Hello everyone,
I'm feeling in too much of a light hearted mood today to delve deep into any diabetes related musings today. I'm also listening to Noah and the Whale, excellent songs for relaxing too, and wearing my joggers and favourite cosy jumper, so I'm definitely too calmed to be gloomy or deep. Let us take see where my tranquil mood takes my writing shall we.
There's a post it note on my wall that says "D Words; blog." The post it notes on my wall catch my most random trains of thought, whether it's a song lyric that I heard, loved and jotted down, a list of dvd's that I must buy or indeed what I should blog about. It occured to me the other day that, although Diabetes is the BIG D word in my life, it's not the only one. So, let's go on a light hearted ramble through some of the other D words in my life. Enjoy.
* Dreams; This really is one of my favourite words. I absolutely love dreams, there's nothing better than snuggling up in bed on a night and trying to plan some gorgeous dreams. Or when a dream is so life like that you wake up wondering if it happened. Daydreams assist in making boring shifts at work or long journeys enjoyable. Dreams, as in ambitions, push people forward and give them drive. For me, the dream has always been to write a book, and hopefully it'll be fulfilled. Dreams were also the subject of the fabulous Glee episode last night.
*Dogs; I'm allergic to dogs yet I'm still very fond of them really. There's many dogs in my family. Holly, my Grandma and Grandad's dog, was the first puppy I ever held. Walking her more could be a very good way to get a bit more activity into my days. Plan.
*Damien Rice, Daniel Merriweather, Darius, Darwin Deez, David Gray, David Guetta, Diana Vickers, Dido, Dirty Dancing, Dizzee Rascal, Dolly Parton, Th Drums; These are all the D artists in my ipod. If I had to pick a favourite it would be Diana Vickers. I've seen Dizzee Rascal at Leeds Festival 2008, back then I didn't know a single one of his songs, but the atmosphere was fantastic. Dirty Dancing is one of my all time favourite films. Dolly Parton... ooh no, the shame of someone else seeing into your ipod!
*Dust; my room is full of it! Needs dusting badly... ok, can you tell I'm totally out of D words!
*Driving; I named the car I share with my Mam Tim. He's a 53 plate white toyota Yaris. He's mainly dirty and full of rubbish as I'm very lazy when it comes to car washing. Driving is fantastic, I've experienced so much more freedom since I passed my test and random road trips out always turn out to be the best. Oh, and, it took me 4 times to pass my test!! Eeek.
*Drawing; I have a GCSE in art textiles and I used to really enjoy fashion drawing, I was actually fairly good as it goes. Since I turned to the very grey world of academia in college and replaced fashion drawing with essay writing I've actually totally lost any ability to draw. Stick people are my limit.
Well, I've currently exhausted my list of D words, which I'm sure you're delighted about! But, I'm going to set myself a challenge, I'll try and add a new D word and explanation at the end of each new blog entry from now on until... well, until I've ran out of them!
Thanks for humouring me.
I apologise for my very pointless blogging today!
Ps. I've got a clinic appointment tomorrow morning. I often wonder to myself why I always make doctors appointments for so early in the morning. 9.30 may not seem early to functional people who get out of bed at a reasonable time to do things each day. But to me, a lazy teenage girl on a gap year, 9.30 is practically the middle of the night! Anyway, just to see if the magic of Disney really does work, I'm going to wish on a star tonight that my consultant will tomorrow tell me that there's been a big misunderstanding, and I'm not diabetic after all... ;) Ok, so maybe that won't happen, but hopefully it should be a good appointment, and a possible time to change to basal bolus. I'll let you know how it goes. :)
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